This evening we've just been putting together a video montage of photos of Siobhan. So many great memories and so many people in them. More friends than anyone else I know! I still catch myself thinking 'I must remember to mention such and such to Siobhan on Sunday' but that is forever lost to us now.
29th January 2025
Siobhan, I miss you. You’ve been such a part of my life these last 5 years. First with CoH, then the Blade. Hanging out and RP-ing, talking Dr Who and being one of my best friends. There’s such a void missing right now. You infected me with this idea of pod/video casting. You made me want to up my game in it. Now who will make me watch horrible TV shows you daft woman. I miss you.
Brian “The Brian” Kelly
28th January 2025
I am so sorry you are not with us any more. You were my dear friend and now I have no-one to talk about Doctor Who with. I spent the last year engrossed in my own personal problems and pushed you and everyone else away and I’m sorry about that. I can never make it up to you. 57 is no age to die and you never got to move to Derby as you had planned. At least you have left behind an enormous legacy of material online that we can all remember you by. I will never forget you.
Andrew Summersgill
28th January 2025